Sterile Adjustable Eye Speculum

Sterile Adjustable Eye Speculum (Art.No. SUH04)
For temporal and nasal use, with closed blades, Single use, 6 pcs /box.

 „The new single use eye speculum with closed valves serves very well for the anterior as well as for combined posterior surgery. The speculum is for temporal and nasal use and the lid opening can be easily adjusted. In comparison to the reusable specula, it is light-weight which helps when using topical gel anesthesia.

The speculum is well tolerated by the patients. The matt colour is free of any reflexion. This brings a significant  advantage when it becomes necessary to change instruments during VR surgery and the OR light is being activated.“

PD Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. F. Hengerer, Senior Head Physician and Deputy Director, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.


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